For once, people power has actually won the day! ALH has agreed to continue live music at the Hyde Park Hotel "for the time being."
To tell you the truth, I'm shocked. Working as a journo, it's not often you see big companies back down over things like this - notch that one up as one for common sense.
PS Just read your page 3 story Kate - nice one. And good to see Sheila McHale standing up to the bastards. I read an interview with her in Xpress once and thought she seemed like a decent politician. Turns out that is the case. Good to know.
6 years ago
They're still a bunch of liars and I hope to prove as much.
Go Kate - do it for the people - no, better idea - do it for the music....
To be fair I'm doing it mostly for the hot musicians.
Ummm, she's a nice person, but not a great politician by any means. I should know. Style (if you call Balero jackets style) over substance.
L x
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