Tuesday 3 July 2007

Ray Wilson, you are a knob.

In today's West Australian, sports writer Ray Wilson writes a dull piece on Ben Cousin's return to training yesterday. It goes something like this - Ben went to training yesterday. Big frikkin whoop. But the stand-out comment in the article is his description of Cousins as "the messiah." The messiah?? Please, Ray, that's just beyond ridiculous. Go write for a real paper.


shiny said...

Can I also point out that there were 6 photos of ben cousins in the esteemed rag today? SIX!

I realise it's hard for the paper to keep finding more trivial things to completely beat up but I think they've really done their dash with the guy. There's nothing more of interest there.

I know, how bout they go get a city planner to come up with ideas for Perth that aren't going to happen? Then they can blow page 3 on it again, and again, and again...

Bolton said...

I know the number of photos was OUT OF CONTROL! Front and back and inside all over the place. From the SAME training session!
On top of that... the only decent bit of journalism on the matter was actually in Inside Cover.

Dave said...

This is your new employer we're talking about Dan... you know what to do.

Lindsay said...

Ben Cousins' horse is on crack. That's the real news.

Bolton said...

dude, i'm not a sports reporter. and real reporters couldn't go to the press conference.

what is TOTALLY sickening is the letter on today's letters page.