Wednesday 11 July 2007

I feel dirty. YouTube dirty.

So I'm browsing through YouTube as I am want to do occasionally and come across a video called "Guy tapes himself cheating on his girlfriend then gets caught."
My first thought was "what an idiot" but I thought I'd have a look anyway. I thought it would be a laugh.
So this guy sets up this webcam thing and starts making out with this girl. The pic's a bit fuzzy, but you get the gist. This goes on for about a minute until someone enters the room - the grilfriend - and proceeds to scream and shout at the boyfriend.
"Hold on a second," I'm thinking, "this isn't funny." The girlfriend then bursts into uncontrollabe tears and starts sobbing. So I turned it off. How can someone think something like that would be amusing? How can someone post something like that, on the internet, with no regard for what is essentially an extremely private and heartbreaking personal moment??
I know, I know I don't have much of a leg to stand on because I clicked view in the first place, but seriously, that's just the extreme end of voyeurism. No one wants to see that.


Anonymous said...

Well, I hate to say it but if you cheat on your girlfriend, let alone film it, then you are obviously the kind of cretin who would post the video. I hope that man dies a horrible death. Watching other people's pain is always uncomfortable and slightly horrifying. It shows you have feelings Johnsy, unlike that fuckhead.

L x

my name is kate said...

Jesus that's just brutal.

Dave said...

try watching it...