Thursday, 15 May 2008

Feel the love

There's nothing quite like a bit of an upheaval to really sort the wheat from the chaff in regards to your friends.
I'm going through a couple of major changes to my life at the moment, some of which have been doing my head in, but a few kind messages of support from friends goes a long way to making it all okay.
Thanks guys. You know who you are :)


my name is kate said...

Poor chicken, hope you're ok. I'm on hand for holding-back-your-hair post drowning-your-sorrows anytime, baby...

Anonymous said...

Ditto. Always on hand. Usually with glass of wine in hand.

Bolton said...

There is much love in the room big guy. And not just physically. Seriously.

shiny said...

Ditto, ditto.
Hope you're okay.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave, since I am just a litte sales rep I don't understand what wheat to chaff means but you'll pull through kiddo. =]

Anonymous said...

Lundie... your an idiot, Dave I love ya! x

Anonymous said...

lundie is a moran.