Monday, 26 May 2008

Blah blah blah

I've written no less than four blog posts this morning and deleted each one of them.
The truth is, I don't have much to say today.

My birthday is coming up this weekend - which is always fun - and in other parts of my life I'm generally either happy or making changes where I'm not.

Working with my boss is finally starting to get a bit too much so I'm starting to consider my options elsewhere.

I'm reading a great little book called "Blood Sucking Fiends" which is a cool little comedy about a girl who wakes up in a dumpster as a vampire.

I went bowling on Friday and, for the record, I am bad. Really bad. Out of a possible 300 (perfect) score, I got a measly 58. Isn't that just awesome?

The Eagles won on the weekend - a rarity these days - so that makes for a pleasant little surprise.

And did I mention my birthday was coming up? :)


Anonymous said...

Gooday Dave,

With all the dirt in politics at the moment I thought you would have lots to talk about.
With regards to you work issue - can I suggest hanging in there for a while longer :-)


my name is kate said...

58? Jesus. I bowl like a lady and even I'm embarassed for you...

But post the other 3 blogs anyway.

shiny said...

My explanation for my lack of bowling prowess is that I do everything badly when I have to wear bad shoes. Explains my infrequent gym attendence too.

Steve said...

Hey Dave,

Just me shamelessly promoting the new blog


Jessica said...

Happy Birthday!
58? I've done worse.

Dave said...

Really?? That makes me feel so much better :)