Monday 22 October 2007

It's on!

Kevin Rudd debated John Howard on TV last night - it was long, but it was worth it.
The panel of journalists chosen to ask questions of the two were some of the best in the country - and it showed.
The PM was asked a direct question three times, and three times he gave a politician's response.
Kevin Rudd seemed on the ball and the 'controversial' 'worm' signalled the audience was buying what he said more than what Howard was saying.
This means nothing in the grand scheme of things, I know.
However I was watching it with a traditional iberal supporter, who shall remain nameless to protect their identity.
By the end of the debate this person turned to me and said "John Howard just changed my vote."
That's right, this person, who has never voted Labor in their life, has now decided to vote Labor based on that debate.
And that can't be a bad thing.

1 comment:

my name is kate said...

damnit im bummed i missed it. hope ol howard looked shit. I spoke to an Aussie traditional-Liberal voter over here who said that while he liked Howards economic policy he didnt like anything else they were doing anymore. Hurrah. Unfortuantely he is not going to be back in Aus to vote but I like to think it is a good sign anyway...