Friday, 25 May 2007

Who's up for a drink?

Amid all the furor surrounding the "ice epidemic" (sorry, I hate using mass media cliches) it's good to be reminded every now and then that a significant amount of damage to the social fabric is committed by those on legal drugs - namely alcohol.
So this story piqued my attention this morning, albeit for all the wrong reasons.
Guy gets drunk (read drinks more than seven litres of beer); guy goes home; guy accuses partner of infidelity; guy takes budgie out of cage, rips its head off and throws body on front lawn (WTF???); guy asks partner where dog is; partner runs from house; guy pours petrol all over house; guy sets house on fire; guy stands out front of his house with pitchfork threatening neighbours and cops before the police take him down with capsicum spray.
But the clincher, the bit that I personally think is the most fucked up (second only to ripping the budgie's head off) is this:
"Johnson and his partner are still together."

Sometimes, words seem so inadequate.


my name is kate said...

Yeah and if he was on ice when he did it he would be on the front page of the slimes.

Lindsay said...

I think this guy is one of my neighbours in da ghetto