Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Grammar Terrorism

I have decided to join Lindsay in exposing some of the appalling examples of grammar that we, as journalists, see day in and day out.
I thought about the possibilities of getting into trouble by posting the following letter, however decided in the interests of exposing grammar terrorists who should know better that it was worth it. That, and the fact I won't name the person who wrote it (and he would never read my blog anyway) is all the justification I need.

The letter was sent to my editor in response to an announcement this morning that the Town of Kwinana was set to receive $11.5 billion in infrastructure investment over the next 15 years. That's a lot for a town that doesn't even really have a town centre or a cafe strip.
So the guy that sent this letter is a Federal candidate at the upcoming election - and as a Federal candidate you would think you have a basic grasp of the English language. Not so. Note the space in between the last word of the sentence and the full stop. Also note the bit where the guy has put a full stop and a comma next to each other. It's quite awesome, really. The following letter has been unedited by me and is in its original format.

As a local resident,it was pleasing to hear Mayor Carol adams presentation on promoting Town of Kwinana's growth and expansion, that's taking place in our town.However its was disappointing that the Federal Government wasn't mentioned in regards to contributing . October last year the Town of Kwinana and I took part in a delegation to Canberra and lobbied for local projects for the towns growth and expansion. On the 14th of March 2007, the Town of Kwinana was presented with a cheque from the Federal Government to upgrade a 2.8 million dollar Orelia sporting complex precinct . Other successful Federal funding has been for 75 extra nursing beds for the Kwinana Nursing Home,.funding for councils living in Harmony program and most recently 6.7 million dollars for Mundijong Road extension to take pressure off local residential roads from heavy haulage trucks like Thomas road.Currently Im waiting on council to submit other applications for more Federal government grants to assist the residents of Kwinana.

I know I shouldn't mention he's a Liberal candidate, but oops, I just did.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

That is horrifying. And hilarious.