Monday, 14 May 2007

Weird, wacky or woeful blogs

I have gotten into the habit of browsing blogs by clicking on the "Next Blog" button on the header at the top of the screen.
The amount if shite people put on the Internet never ceases to amaze me.
But this one takes the cake (so far).
I won't say anything else other than check it out - but don't stay too long - the length of time you spend looking at it is inversely proportional to the number of functioning cells in your brain.

PS - Okay, Lindsay's called it. The search is on for the most random or pathetic blogs around. I found a God-worship one just then the title on the header should be enough to put most off, but if you take the time to scroll down you get to read about, well, shite. Again, don't spend too much time here.

PPS- After a wasted hour of trawling through blogs I have come to the realisation that the majority of blogs are boring - much the same as mine would be to someone who just happened to stumble upon it. However, after seeing a couple of sites that raised my eyebrows, including one showing pictures of dead bodies and dead animals (I will never, EVER understand why people post that shit on the net) I came across my pick of the day. The blog is called Japanese Porn. It contains a couple of links to porn sites down the side and across the bottom of the page, however the content of the blog was what really got me. For example, the post dated May 13 was called "Child Care - Choosing a Day Care Center" and was exactly that - tips on how to choose the right daycare centre for your child! Other blog postings include "Living with a positive mental attitude" and "Real Estate Tax Incentives."


Lindsay said...

I suggest a competition to find the best/most shiteful blog. Ready, steady...go.

Dave said...

It's on...