Thursday 14 February 2008

Grammar Terrorism in action at your local supermarket

This sign, word for word and space for space, was hanging in the fruit and veg section at a supermarket this morning.

Dear Customers:
We would like to inform you that there is an apple shortage so inturn the price of all apples and pears have sky rocked up. There is about a 4 week gap un till any new seasons apples come in. And importing apples from over east is prohibited cause of quarantine laws.
IGA Hamilton Hill Management


Anonymous said...

Obviously english is not a high criteria for IGA management.

Dave said...

I didn't want to say it, but we were all thinking it...

shiny said...

Those fuckers.

Jessica said...

Dang. That's messed up.

Dave said...

By "over east" I wonder if they meant New Zealand. We are still battling to get access to Australia with our apples. - Dave