I'm trying really hard not to turn this blog into a bitching session about my boss.
But after calling in sick on New Year's and being in bed by 10pm that night with a nasty bout of flu, I made msyelf come into work today because I knew she wouldn't be able to cope otherwise.
And I got an earful the moment I walked in because she was so stressed, blah blah blah, oh and I hadn't done enough work to prepare for my sick day off.
Excuse me?? You think I planned this??
You think on Friday I thought "Hmm, I don't want to join my friends out on NYE, I might come down with the flu."
And then to top it all off, I was finishing off a take-away coke at lunch time today and crunching the ice. My boss said:
"Are you crunching the ice?"
Me: "Um, yes."
Her: "Oh David."
Me: "What, don't you crunch your ice?"
Her: "It's probably not good for you, you know."
Me: "It's frozen water!!!"
Her: "Exactly, it's too cold for your body, and you've got a cold anyway so it probably doesn't help."
6 years ago
I like her style. I think me and her shall become rather good friends.
A bitch of a boss bitched about is um a problem halved? Frick, I don't know - what a bitch.
Lundie - meet her - nay, work under her, and then come back and tell me that.
Ah shucks. That's so sweet. She cares! So sweet that...wait a minute.... yes, I do indeed have a cavity!
She's just decided that she is right no matter how many ridiculously implausible reasons she has to make up to back up her argument. She's been around longer than you Dave, she must be right, it couldn't be possible that a young upstart like yourself could know things.
I know, I know. I should know better!
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