Wednesday 23 January 2008

Heath Ledger dead at 28

Often, when I hear news of a well-known person dying, I can be a little indifferent.
I didn't know them, their life had no real impact on mine and hence I hadn't been terribly affected by their death.
But waking up this morning and hearing about Heath Ledger's death shook me a little.
I'm a big fan of Ledger - from his cracking debut in Two Hands to the shocking and depressing character he played in Candy - the man has quite some talent.
And in what is probably one of his most anticipated roles, the pic above shows him in full costume taking on the role of one of my favourite villains of all time - the Joker - in the latest movie instalment of my favourite superhero ever - Batman.
I think the thing that hits home when something like this happens is that death is so permanent. There's no recourse if you decide, after the fact, that it may not have been the right thing to do. That's it. It's all over.
And at 28-years-old, it really is, for want of a better phrase, a tragic waste.


Jessica said...

Two overdoses in one week. Brad Renfro and now Ledger. Not the names I'd expect given the headlines. He seemed so sensible, so real and removed from the hype. It was a surprise indeed.

Dave said...

Brad Renfro died too?? I didn't hear about that...