Tuesday 15 January 2008

Corey Delaney, you are an A-class tool.

Look at this dickhead.
I was flicking through the news stations last night when I happened upon an interview with this 16-year-old from Victoria.
His parents had gone away, so he advertised an open house party on Myspace. Nothing particularly out of the ordinary in that, except the party got out of control and spilled onto the street.
The partygoers then proceeded to cause about $20,000 worth of damage to properties in the street, etc etc.
So, the bastion of fair and accurate reporting in Australia, A Current Affair, decides to interview this 16-year-old knob.
Personally, I think they shouldn't have done it in the first place, since getting his ugly face on TV is obviously all he's interested in.
But they did, and the reporter took the bait.
Asking him to take his glasses off, he refused "because they're famous" and then went on to say that he hadn't spoken to his parents yet because he'd just been ignoring their calls.
After a bit of childish banter (on both the reporter and Corey's part) and a refusal by the teenager to accept any responsibility for the situation, the journalist ended by asking if there was anything he'd like to say to anyone his age thinking of organising a similar party.
His response: "Call me and get me to organise it for you."
Corey, I have something to tell you, and you may not like it. You're not funny. You're not cool. That five minutes of fame you had on-camera are just that - five minutes. Next week, you won't be a celebrity. You'll just be a cheeky shit teenager with parents you don't deserve and a $20,000 headache.
Good luck with that.


Jessica said...

What a complete and total asshat.

shiny said...

What a dick. Just look at him! He should come with a warning label. Warning: Prolonged contact may result in brain damage.

Just another reason I don't need TV.

Anonymous said...

It was hilarious! made my night. Onya Corey.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you're just jealous you don't get invited to parties like that.....

Dave said...

That's exactly right anonymous. I'm so jealous I just turned green.

Anonymous said...

I admire the kid's moxie. It is a typical teenage party that got out of control, no neighborhood damage, just some bottles chucked at the cop cars... Yeah it was a mistake, but it's hardly world-shaking news! lol@all the news hype.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the URL of his myspace? I think that'd be something!

Dave said...

Who are you???

Anonymous said...

Saw some of the videos. He and his mates are so damn hot. He must have about 5 million friends on MySpace by now... Welcome to the future!

Anonymous said...

I reckon he's hilarious. Everyone is taking the situation completely out of proportion. 30 cops would only mean 6 cars....As for the dogs and helicopters - completely unnecessary....They could have used some tear gas and dispersed it with half the cops. It's bad judgment by the police....A helicopter for some teens - get real

Anonymous said...

What a champ. All who dont like it get fucked

shiny said...

Just some bottles chucked at cop cars? Teargas? And you're saying it was the cops who had a lapse in judgement? My god.

Dave said...

Please, feel free to toddle on to his Myspace rather than continuing your comments about it here. As much as I'm enjoying them...

I'm just waiting for him to google himself and happen upon this website.

Anonymous said...

I once had a ridiculous houseparty, but luckily there was an even bigger one up the street, so that when they cops arrived i calmly informed them that the problem was not to be found at my house, and gave them the other address. They thanked me for my time and then proceeded to crack skulls at number 17. Good times.

my name is kate said...

Nothing wrong with having a party, anon. Plenty wrong with being a little shit with a face like a smacked bottom. Bugger, got to start watching ACA...

Dave said...

We have idiots like that here Dave.
I'm with you. I think 'anonymous' is pulling your _ _ _. Either that or he/she's not worth responding to. - Dave

Anonymous said...

i think anonymous probably wears stoopid 80s-inspired shit sunglass knock-offs, too tight jeans which make his/her arse look both fucking huge yet strangely flat, oversized (again fat-inspiring) t-shirts, and a general expression of smug, self-satisfied icky-ness. Anonymous, actually, are you my brother?

Dave said...


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!