Monday 17 December 2007

So today was one of those slow news days, right?

Anyone who has ever been a journalist knows there are slow news days and there are good/busy news days.
Sometimes there are slow news periods. Christmas is often one of them.
When you write for a Community Newspaper the scope of what you can write about is fairly limited to your local area.
However when you're writing for, and you have national and international stories to cover, you'd think you wouldn't have to come up with a story like this.
Do you know what the best part is?
It took two journos to write it.


Dave said...

Yes, sad Dave. Maybe like you they are having a slow news week too? Who cares about Facebook anyway? I tried it once and think it's a waste of time (considering the alternatives.)

Jessica said...

It's so nice to see reporters come together to report on the real nail-biting, award-worthy, above the fold, extra extra read all about it major news stories.

Dave said...

Absolutely. And Dave, you're right. It is a waste of time. That's why I use it so much :)

shiny said...

Unprecedented! There was a story yesterday about the best male hair styles of the year. Yawn.

Dave said...

Yeah i know - and they had Pete Doherty in the pic. Shudder. You hear that Kate?