Friday 7 December 2007

I'm sorry, what??

Apparently China has weighed into the proposed BHP Biliton/Rio Tinto takeover.
China's situation is an interesting one - on the one hand they are the last major bastion of communism in the world, yet at the same time they are riding a tidal wave of growth thanks to market forces.
China and Australia have recently had much closer ties, thanks to both of us 'booming'.
However this really irked me.
A senior mining company dude in China has called on the Australian Government to step in and stop the proposed takeover.
He said:
"I think the Australian government should take some anti-monopoly action to prevent the merger of BHP and Rio because this kind of behaviour will damage free competition."

Okay, let me get this straight. The world's last communist society is asking for a fair go in the name of free competition??
I know I've simplified it a bit but seriously, I just find that plain ridiculous.

1 comment:

my name is kate said...

He-ey look at you, you're blogging about BUSINESS...