Friday, 21 September 2007

Training for what, exactly?

I've just been informed I am to do a two-day news reporting course next week.
Now - I'm trying to keep an open mind about this - but isn't that what a three-year degree is for??
I know how to write news, I've been doing it for a few years now without a problem.
To be honest, I'm not against the idea of in-house training - in fact, I think it's a great thing in some circumstances.
But here's the clincher.
The first day of the two-day course is on my deadline day!! Not only that, but it's also in the middle of a short week because of the long weekend!! And not only that, but the journos picked to do it were chosen on "likely availability."
Um, hello?!
How is it "likely" that I would be "available" to give up a full day on deadline??
What's going on up there??


my name is kate said...

frick it - having enough stories to fill the paper is your editor's problemo. I'd enjoy the free training - wish I got it, as I don't have the degree to fall back on...

shiny said...

And just think, when you get told how to do your job you'll be able to retort "well, this was how the trainer taught us".

Dave said...

hehehe i hadn't thought about it that way observer...

shiny said...

Yes, if there's a passive aggressive comeback I haven't heard of it's probably not worth knowing.

Jessica said...

Training schmaining....
I have never, ever, left any news reporting training thinking I got something out of it other than a sore ass from sitting all day. (Training about new computer/graphic programs is a whole other story)