Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Memo to my editor

1. I am not a mind reader. I try, but I'm not. If you go away, and something is supposed to be done, and you don't tell me it's supposed to be done, and I have no knowledge that it even needs to be done, don't get pissed off at me.

2. No one cares about your whinging. Particularly not the new editor-in-chief, and particularly not me.

3. You're old. Retire.

4. Did I mention stop whinging? You're embarrassing yourself.

1 comment:

shiny said...

Wait til you have her standing by you while you're doing a phone interview telling you what questions you need to ask.
Or calling the person you interviewed straight back and asking the same questions - because apparenty everything you do is wrong.

Enjoy your holiday. It's well deserved.