Sunday 12 April 2009

Red Tulip

I'm sitting here chomping through one of those Red Tulip chocolate bunnies. It's not quite 11am and I've almost finished the thing.

I'm not sure what it is about Easter but to me, it's one of the only times of the year when eating chocolate before - nay, for - breakfast is acceptable.

I don't care what eggs I receive as long as I get one of those chocolate bunnies. I'm not sure why they appeal to me so much but it's something about munching the ears off and then working my way down that I enjoy.

Kate blogged about it already and I have to agree. There's something about Easter that is totally awesome. I don't know what it is or why it is. Maybe it's something to do with the four day long weekend. All I know is that I'm off to my parents' now for a nice family lunch (without the extended family) and I feel sick because that rabbit I was chomping on when I started writing this post is now gone.

1 comment:

jase said...

I wish I could share the same sentiments over Easter... I didn't even eat one piece of chocolate.
Somehow having kids would be a good was to renthause myself over such festivities.