Wednesday 4 February 2009

A Complete History of My Sexual Failures

Awesome name for a movie, huh?
I went and saw this independent flick at Luna Outdoor Cinemas last night and thoroughly enjoyed it.
The premise is this - filmmaker Chris Waitt is single after a long line of broken relationships and sets about interviewing as many of his previous ex-girlfriends as he can. Which isn't many really.

It's a funny premise and a funny film. Once you start to watch it, you realise why Waitt has had so much trouble with successful relationships - he's a bit of a knob and, well, just plain weird.
But the movie does provide a lot of laughs - not least of which when he tries out S and M in an attempt to cure his impotence problems.

Apart from all that, it is a great study in the emotions involved in relationships. The ex-girlfriends Waitt talks to have a hard time revisiting the past - particularly if their memories of the relationship were less than great.
It made me think a bit about relationships. At the time, you might not realise it, but you're investing a hell of a lot of emotional energy into a relationship. If things go bad, feelings are trampled and there's not a hell of a lot anyone can do about it. But then, what's the alternative?

Anyway, the movie had a nice ending. It was good. Go see it.

1 comment:

Dave said...

I read somewhere that sex is like a game of bridge. If you don't have a good partner you'd better have a good hand. - Dave