Friday 31 October 2008

Could it be?

It's been a while since the front page picture on our State's daily paper has sent a shiver done my spine.
But today I feel hope. I'm excited.
The West's page 1 picture says it all - Bill Clinton and Barack Obama arm in arm at an election rally.
Surely they can pull it off now. I mean, Australians got together and kicked Howard out after 11 long years in power. Surely the winds of change can reach across the Pacific Ocean and affect the US election result.
The last eight years under Bush have been an abhorration. The world has lost faith in the US as a 'superpower' and the world is a much more dangerous place because of some of his direct policies.
But I'm willing to forgive all that if the US votes in their first African-American president.
I'm willing to forgive all that if they dump the Republican party and vote for a party that cares more for its fellow people and the world at large.
I'm not dancing a victory dance just yet. But my heart is in my mouth.
Fingers crossed.


my name is kate said...

Fucker are you saying my fear mongering 'it's carnage' etc splashes haven't set your pulse racing??

PS- totally agree. Fingers. Fecking. Crossed.

shiny said...

I wonder if things will actually change. Sure, great to have a Democrat in, but how much is the Washington machinery going to be affected? I hope it will.

Also, I can't get over the still palpable reds under the bed attitude that prevails in the US. The Republicans feeding off the notion that Obama's going to take the middle class' money away and give it to poor people. OMG! Socialism! Run!

Anonymous said...

I may be being rather naive but I was reading the issues that Obama stands for about LGBT.
And it has a comparison against McCain and I think I will have to choose Obama. And McCain's Vice President lady is quite annoying.

Dave said...

I think the world is hoping Obama wins. After all, can he make things any worse? I hope he can save the world. - Dave