I have been known in the past to blog about examples of grammar terrorism from time to time.
It was only after one of my accused grammar terrorists themselves, a man who is now a State senator, googled his name and saw it on my list of grammar terrorists that I decided to retire the list.
All that having been said, I came across this brilliant website the other day called The Grammar Vandal.
The first story that came up made me laugh out loud at work, so I thought I'd share it with you.
She got what she deserved.
What’s the worst thing that could happen to someone who uses bad grammar?
A low grade on a paper? A mocking post on this blog? A scolding from a nearby grammarian?
Oh, it could be worse. You could find yourself face to face with James Westfall and Dr. Kenneth Noisewater.
This is my new favorite entry on my new favorite Web site, fmylife.com:
Today, I was flirting via text with a coworker. Things started getting heated, and I wanted to send her a sexy picture. I asked if she had any suggestions. She said, “Your nuts!” She meant, “YOU’RE nuts.” I sent her a photo of my junk. I offended a co-worker with incriminating evidence.
Okay. We know this guy isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Anyone knows you don’t send naked pictures to someone you barely know. And I’m going to assume that these two people are over the age of 18, because if not, that’s a different issue altogether. Assuming they both are above the age of consent,
That girl got exactly what she deserved.
She mixed up “your” and “you’re” and thus was blinded with an image of the least attractive part of the male anatomy, an image that will likely stick in her mind for quite a long time.
It’s kind of like shock therapy, don’t you think?
(And, for the record, I feel like I need to say this to clueless straight guys of the world: No girl in her right mind will ever ask you for a picture of your nuts if she wants to be turned on. ANY other body part is understandable — NEVER the nuts. If she does, that’s a red flag. She’ll probably be forwarding it to her friends and laughing at you.)
What do you think? Did this girl get what she deserved?
6 years ago