Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Birthday wishes

I didn't want to say this before my birthday on the weekend, mainly because I might have sounded a bit silly, but there was one thing in particular that I wanted more than anything else.
To not have a cigarette.

You see, I finished my Champix prescription (the medication I took to quit smoking) mid-week last week and I entered a long weekend (and a birthday weekend) with no medicinal back-up to stop me feeling cravings.
I was worried that me being in party mode would mean me thinking "ah, what the hell" and having a cigarette at some point.

But I didn't. I went through a weekend during which I spent time with some friends with whom I used to smoke regularly. I also had a rather extended drinking session on Sunday, all of which (I thought) added up to me being in a position where I would most likely find myself with a lit cigarette in my hand.

But I didn't. I didn't even have a craving. Not at one point over the entire weekend did I look at someone having a cigarette and wish I could have one.
And now, for the first time in my life, I really feel like I have successfully quit smoking. And that makes me pretty happy.


Me said...

Congratulations! I'm proud of you :)

my name is kate said...

Huzzah Johnsy - you complete me.

Anonymous said...

If only i could do that with food and alcohol.

Bolton said...

Congratulations beautiful man. I am exceedingly proud.
Sorry I didn't end up making it on Sunday. Very long story which I won't bore you with but those who work at my place of work will understand if I type just one letter: Q.

Anonymous said...

Well done! And happy birthday. And all that.

Brian H said...

Very proud of you, Dave :) xx