Saturday, 25 October 2008

We've been here before...

Any regular reader of this blog will know of my deep love for the show Heroes.
It is pretty much my favourite TV show ever.
But I'm a little concerned.
After a brilliant first season, I recently watched the second season in it's entirety (thanks Bri) and am now onto season three, courtesy of a friend in the features department at work (thanks Ross).

Let me explain. I watched the first episode of Lost. It was a brilliant pilot, full of promise and enough to get anyone interested in the show. But six seasons later, the show has become a mess. I stopped watching after season one, when the script writers refused to answer any of the questions raised by the show. Rather, they raised more questions. Before long, a show that had a definite goal - for everyone to get home - became convoluted and messy.

After watching the first five episodes of the third season of Heroes, I'm starting to wonder if the same will happen to this show. Sure, Heroes doesn't have a definite goal, so it's going to be less frustrating than Lost, but it is starting to raise more questions than answers.
And that has me a little worried.

1 comment:

Brian H said...

It does have a definite goal, doesn't it? They're trying to stop the world from being blown up and to put a stop to the naughty people with powers. However, I agree with you that it's getting a little lost, as the twists in the story seem to be turning into spinning tops.

I think two seasons is enough for such a fast paced show. Let it end on a high, create a new series, and possibly ten years later let them pick up the old show and apply new effects and techniques. It's sort of like Speedos: it's usually better to let your imagination be tantalised by the mystery of what's underneath instead of continually trying to uncover it all.