Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Over it

Ir's really hard trying to quit smoking.
I wasn't going to blog about this because the last time I did, with much fanfare about a year ago, I lasted a miserable 5 days.

But I changed my mind.
So, yesterday, I decided to quit. For the first time in five years I went for 24 hours without a cigarette.
And I feel great. Fantastic even.
But the worse part is the negativity I have had to battle from friends and colleagues since announcing it.
Ranging from "whatever" to "don't worry, you'll be back on them by the weekend", it surprised me how few people actually encouraged me quitting.
Only my parents and a couple of office colleagues have even gone to the trouble of commending me.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing it for the pats on the back. I've adjusted my attitude today. It doesn't matter what other people say or do - I'm doing this for me.
Let the fun begin :)


shiny said...

Or it could be that people are living their own lives?

Seriously though, I don't think many people actually realise how hard it is. I was a nervous wreck when I quit and had to content with my mum threatening to throw me out of home and my boyfriend seemingly disinterested in the challenge altogether. It's hard work and most people just don't get it. Good on you for going into the fray again and best of luck.

Anonymous said...

so, no ciggie after work then?

Brian H said...

Good boy; I'm glad you're giving up.

my name is kate said...

Good luck tiger - you can do it bint face.

Dave said...

Thanks guys. And anonymous, you'll have to smoke on your own now - how awkward. :p