Thursday, 5 June 2008

Back by popular demand...

The story about the money in the bag.

So, last night, a woman who only wanted to be known as Melissa successfully claimed the money from police.

She said that her and her boyfriend had been on their way to make a deposit on a business.

She went on to say how happy she was that there were still honest people in the world.

Personally, I'm still a little skeptical - why was she making a business deposit in cash? And, more importantly, why a brown paper bag?

Maybe I'm just a little quick to convict someone based on what appears to have happened...


Brian H said...

I'm very sceptical, too. A brown paper bag - are you kidding me?! Don't businesses use cloth bags for carrying money around? Why was all the money in $100 notes? Isn't that a little suspicious in itself? Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

she should of had on of those oversized bags with a $ sign on it or 'LOOT'. that would have made it a little more believable

Dave said...

Thanks for the followup Dave - Dave