Thursday, 26 July 2007

The apathy of the voting public...

...always astounds me.
I was mucking around with one of my sales colleague's computers, as I tend to do every now and then, and decided to change the background to one of the many headshots we have on our computer database.
So I replaced the photo of her and a friend with that of WA Premier Alan Carpenter.
She saw the image, and was a little confused. You see, she didn't know who it was. Not a clue. "Is it a politician?" she asked.
I'm not altogether shocked, but seriously, people. The guy is in charge of the state you live in and you can't recognise a photo of him??


shiny said...

That's so disappointing. The world would be a much better place if ignorance was painful. I mean for people other than us.

Dave said...

Now there's a thought. One I rather like...

my name is kate said...

That's a shocker - she must not even read the paper or um watch the news... or open her eyes... wait, maybe she's blind...

I recently found it really weird that a close friend of mine didn't know what right wing and left wing referred to, as in which political parties were at which end. I sort of stared at her for awhile, assuming she was joking, and then gave her a short lesson in modern history which I think came off less as a 'lesson' and more as a 'lecture'... which I'm sure she reeeeaally appreciated.

Maybe it's just the BA speaking but is this normal? I think of myself as pretty ignorant about politics, actually, but maybe I'm just hanging out with the wrong crowd...

Dave said...

I don't know whether it's normal or not but i can't fathom how someone could go to the polling booths on election day and vote for someone when they don't even know what the premier looks like!! Blind people are obviously excluded from that...

Brian H said...

I am personally astounded at the lack of knowledge of space (i.e. the universe) and where tiny planet Earth sits within it, including the dangers it faces. People everywhere are concerned about making life easy, being able to retire comfortably, and making and policing all the rules by which we should live. What about the stellar forces that helped create us and can just as easily obliterate us? These can affect our entire race yet we could avoid them, if enough people were interested.
I guess our level of knowledge is dependent upon our interests.

Dave said...

Well said Brian. And thanks for the comment. What is important to some is not necessarily important to others.

my name is kate said...

Very true. On a simpler level I was thinking the other day that if civilisation was destroyed I wouldn't even be able to figure out how to re-invent the radio, the TV or the freaking toaster...

Dave said...

my god. and we'd all be relying on you to do that too kate...

my name is kate said...

Well, you know, in my mind it was basically just me and James Franco left in the world. Anyone with a face like that couldn't possibly have a brain in his pretty little head so it was all up to me...

Anonymous said...

OMG I can't believe you blogged about that!

Dave said...

believe it laurence. believe it.